Amazon: Facility to allow
employees to work from home

Amazon: Facility to allow
employees to work from home

GRAND FORKS - Online retailer Amazon says its decision to move customer service representatives out of their Grand Forks office will give those workers more flexibility to work from home.

Amazon work at home jobs

Amazon workers work at home

The Seattle-based company announced it would offer its 100-plus customer service employees in Grand Forks the option to work from home through its Virtual Contact Center. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos cited that program in a 2014 letter to shareholders as its fastest growing "site" in the U.S. The company has expanded those virtual centers to more than 14 states, Amazon spokeswoman Ashley Robinson said Wednesday.

"This flexibility is ideal for many employees who, perhaps because they have young children or for another reason, either cannot or prefer not to work outside the home," Bezos wrote in April 2014.

Robinson said employees who decide to work from home would have the same roles and pay, and reiterated that the changes won't result in job losses.

"It truly is basically the same role just with the flexibility of working from home," she said.


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